
Give users the 24/7 support they need, while reducing costs by up to 50%

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Gaversesteenweg 108 9820 Merelbeke Belgium
+32 478 77 05 43

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Find out what is new, updated or improved in Almitee!

v1.4.118 05 Sep 2024

  • New

    The files you upload will now have "Other" selected as the default type.

  • New

    You can now refresh the dashboard in the app by pulling down on the screen.

v1.4.113 25 Aug 2024

  • New

    In addition to creating tickets via email, it is now also possible to add comments to the ticket through reply-emails.

  • New

    You now can add email signatures to your profile or set a default one for your organization. Once configured, all emails sent by Almitee will automatically include the signature at the bottom.

  • New

    Filter your tickets by clients.

  • New

    The creation source is now added to a ticket. It can have one of the following values: 'created manually', 'via email', or 'by QR code'.

  • New

    Minor bugfixes and improvements.

v1.4.112 21 Aug 2024

  • Some minor improvements and bugfixes.

v1.4.107 11 Aug 2024

  • You can now scan Almitee QR codes directly from the app.

v1.4.95 06 Aug 2024

v1.4.92 04 Aug 2024

  • Some minor improvements and bugfixes.

v1.4.90 31 Jul 2024

  • A new way of opening documents on our app

v1.4.79 29 Jul 2024

  • Chat with AI from dashboard

v1.4.76 26 Jul 2024

  • Added "client" as column in the helpdesk

  • Possibility to reset table columns

  • Delete AI chats

  • Possibility to copy a ticket

v1.4.71 19 Jul 2024

  • The documents overview now indicates if a PDF document is unsuitable for the AI.

v1.4.69 11 Jul 2024

  • Fixed an issue with uploading multiple images when adding a new ticket.

  • Added an animation for successful ticket submission.

v1.4.65 05 Jul 2024

  • The camera will open automatically on Android when you need to take a picture of an issue.

v1.4.63 04 Jul 2024

  • Bugfix related to scanning a QR code.

v1.4.58 22 Jun 2024

  • Google maps view: map vs satelliet.

  • When an address cannot be found, you can now enter the address yourself. Have in mind, however, that coordinates cannot be saved and thus this address will not be displayed on the map.

  • When adding an image during ticket creation via QR, the camera is now directly opened.

  • A sound wave is now displayed when you talk to the AI assistant. This makes it clearer when something is being recorded.

  • Minor bugfixes.

v1.4.55 19 Jun 2024

  • Let AI read out the given answer.

    Read aloud
  • Added option to configure settings to request users to provide their GPS coordinates and phone number when creating a new ticket.

  • Some AI improvements.

v1.4.49 14 Jun 2024

  • Speak to the AI assistant using the microphone on our app.

  • Remove chats.

  • AI will now present up to 5 sources used.

  • The general Almitee Assistant will now offer longer answers if necessary.

  • Small bugfixes and improvements

v1.4.45 09 Jun 2024

  • PDF files mentioned in the sources of an AI answer can now be opened directly on the page. This feature allows you to access your data faster than ever before.

v1.4.43 08 Jun 2024

  • It's now possible to delete chats.

  • Minor improvements.

v1.4.40 07 Jun 2024

  • It's now possible to get an overview of the updates we make in the app.

    Almitee updates
  • Update the status, priority, and type of a ticket directly from the sidebar.

  • Minor bugfixes and improvements

v1.4.34 03 Jun 2024

v1.4.30 01 Jun 2024

  • Customize your QR-code colors.

  • Upload your company logo.

  • Create new tickets by selecting text in existing tickets.

  • Automatically update a ticket's status after sending a message.

  • Small bugfixes and improvements.

v1.4.16 22 May 2024

  • There is now a full knowledge base overview available that will show all configured datasources on one page.

  • Quick helpdesk filters are moved to the drawer.

  • It's now possible to add a knowledge base on the level of a client.

v1.4.10 06 May 2024

  • AI knowledge base: Added websites under your domain are now fully read by the AI.

v1.4.8 01 May 2024

  • Improved AI, questions related to assets and tickets can now be asked in Dutch.

  • Tickets created via Chatbot can now include extra client information (browser, operation system, ...). This can be helpful in troubleshooting client issues more effectively.

v1.4.5 27 Apr 2024

  • Almitee is now available in Dutch.

  • Our AI is now using the latest GPT-4 Turbo model.