
Give users the 24/7 support they need, while reducing costs by up to 50%

Contact Info

Gaversesteenweg 108 9820 Merelbeke Belgium
+32 478 77 05 43

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Is Almitee the perfect fit for you? These are the sectors in which we are highly engaged and concentrating our efforts.

Machine servicing

Machine servicing

Doing maintenance on machines? Use Almitee to manage your machines and give auto support to your technicians.

Printers and copiers

Printers and copiers

Do you rent or install printers and copiers to businesses? Use Almitee to provide support tailored to the customer using AI.

Business center

Business center

Having a business center? Use Almitee to manage all different spaces and offices.



Working as an IT-manager or administrator? Use our helpdesk and asset-management to keep track of all your IT-assets.