
Give users the 24/7 support they need, while reducing costs by up to 50%

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Gaversesteenweg 108 9820 Merelbeke Belgium
+32 478 77 05 43

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AI assistant

Let uniquely trained AI assistants provide automated support to users.

What is an AI assistant?

An Almitee AI assistant is a uniquely trained chatbot that provides automated support for specific user questions.

Automated support for assets

Configure for each asset in your organization a unique AI assistant, providing support for specific questions related to an asset.

Automated support in spaces

Configure for each space/location in your organization a unique AI assistant, providing support for specific questions related to a space of location.

Almitee chatbot asset

How does it work?


Add asset/location

Add your asset or location/space into the Almitee platform.


Add datasources

Add different types of datasources to the asset/location to train the AI. This allows the AI to learn from diverse information and provide more accurate and relevant support.


Attach QR code

Attach a QR code to the asset or within the space, enabling users to scan the code and immediately get automated support.

We are a unique platform in that we enable automated support through AI assistants connected to specific assets and locations.

Configuring an AI assistant is incredibly simple and can be completed in just a few minutes, with no need for technical knowledge of AI.

We have ensured that all steps are straightforward and accessible to anyone with access to the Almitee platform.

Almitee asset knowledge base

AI on top of your asset or location

Configure a unique AI assistant by integrating data sources associated with an asset or location, enabling it to deliver automated support.

  • Data from your website.
  • Upload documents, such as manuals and data sheets.
  • Train from both auditory and visual information from Youtube videos.
  • Type it yourself such as Frequently Asked Questions.

An AI chatbot on your website


Add datasources

Add different types of datasources to train the AI.


Implement code

Implement a small code block into your website.


Give support on autopilot

Enable users to pose questions that will automatically receive answers derived from the datasources.

In addition to AI assistants tailored for specific assets or locations, we also offer a general chatbot that can be integrated into your website or SaaS product.

Easily embed an AI chatbot on your website to enhance user interactions and capture potential leads.

Enable users to submit a support ticket via the chatbot if their queries are not resolved.

Almitee AI Assistant

Review AI responses

Review and update the responses of the AI, ensuring that future interactions are handled even more effectively.

  • Get an overview of all user chat messages to monitor interactions and improve support.
  • Utilize the provided user data as potential leads for your organization.
Sources AI

Get used sources from the AI

View and analyze the datasources the AI has used to answer your question.

  • It will display the specific webpage, video or FAQ where the data was found
  • It will display the page number of the uploaded PDF file where the data was found.


AI Sources
Read more

Find your data now even faster via AI sources

Discover how to find data faster and more efficiently with AI within the Almitee platform. Learn how our AI assistant helps you with source identification and validation.

Contact / Demo

Have any questions? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Gaversesteenweg 108 9820 Merelbeke Belgium